Of Naked Lunches, BKK Shopping Malls, and the Fuji X.

I am still enjoying the Fuji XE2 mirrorless camera immensely, and am considering some primes for it. The lenses I fancy are the 23mm, the 35mm, and the 56mm - a cracking portrait lens. I have had a great run so far with the 18-55mm kit lens, which is justifiably lauded by many.

I am planning to use the Fuji over Xmas and New Year on my 'Shopping Mall' project in Thailand. Ideally I hope that I can eventually exhibit the images at Siam Paragon store, or related, or the Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre.

Left - Solitary Lunch in Melbourne. Right - The Escalator, Bangkok.

A burst of Street Photos, Bangkok.

Ok, not strictly street, as I went down to the canal (klong), too. Happy with the horizontal 'framing' lines that run through some of these images. Happy to have some humour running through them as well - check out the Buddha with lady on iPhone pic...

Series of Portraits, Bangkok.

As I have been in BKK for the past month, I have done some portraits at my partner Chitra's place, the warmly named Sunshine Court, a lavish mansion that resembles the White House.

The portraits are with available light, by and large (a couple have fill flash on the background).

Bangkok - Hyper Real Colour Technique.

I have come up with a new technique, for me at least, that is giving me really great, hyped colour and texture in my photos. It suits Bangkok perfectly, and is the kind of look I was seeking, without knowing it. It is inspiring me to hit the streets and do a tonne of pics. Am I going to divulge how I am achieving this look...? No, I usually give away my secrets far too freely, so for the moment I am hanging on to this one.